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Tryout Information 

***2025 Tryout information - PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE PAGE!!!


**NEW**Spring Sports Parent Meeting - Feb 18 6pm RV Gym**


***1st Day of Tryouts - February 24th at 3:45 at the RVHS Courts. We will hold tryouts for 1.5 weeks.....including the first Saturday. Please keep your schedule open on that day.


**Mandatory Parent/Athlete Meeting - Feb 26 6pm  @ RVHS Library**​


Athletes must have their own racquet, water bottle and plenty of warm clothes.

You must visit the RV Athletic Website to register your athlete online:

Registration opens January 3rd. Please do NOT put this off until a week or two before tryouts!  To ensure your athlete will be cleared for the first day of tryouts, please have all registration items completed before February 21. Anyone who has not completed registration before February 24th, CANNOT participate until registration is complete and athletes are cleared to play.

Note: The district athletic fee of $185 is not due until after the tryout period is complete. As soon as you receive notification this fee is due, please promptly pay it. Athletes are not allowed to participate if the athletic fee is not paid on time.


**If you are in a winter sport, trying out for another spring sport, or in the spring musical it is mandatory that you let Coach Kim know prior to the start of tryouts.


Tryouts are based on a challenge match system. Tennis players will play a series of challenge matches versus other players, either in doubles or singles format. The outcome of those matches will form what we call a "ladder". You can move up or down at any time depending on your challenge match results or attendance. The ladder is fluid until the coaches decide to set the teams. This usually happens after the second week.


Coaches are expected to put the best team on the court, so this means we may need to make decisions based on other variables such as compatibility, attitude, commitment and skill when determining who plays at which position or with a certain partner (in doubles).


Come to practice ready to play a match or two on the first day...and every day that follows until the teams are formed. Your attendance is crucial and communication is key! If you do not think you are going to be at a tryout day in the first week, you MUST text Coach Kim no later than noon on that day.

Coaches reserve the right to change challenge match formats at any time if warranted. Athletes should know how to play a pro set (8 games) as this could be what we will be using in the initial tryout period. We don't have the court space, the coaches, or the time to teach the game, so if you would like to tryout for the is best that you know the basic strokes (forehand, backhand, serve) and where to stand on the court and how to score.​


**Mandatory Parent/Athlete Meeting - Feb 26th @ 6pm  @ RVHS Library**​


TEAMS:Varsity - top 11 athletes on the ladder (3 singles/4 doubles teams)Varsity 2 - next 11 athletes on the ladder (3 singles/4 doubles teams)JV - remaining athletes (all doubles teams)**No cut policy depends on the # of athletes trying out


**Must Haves:- All white tennis skirt or shorts - 6 CANS of High Altitude Penn or Wilson Tennis balls - Non-marking athletic shoes - Tennis fee, determined by level made.  Fee amounts: Varsity $400  V2 $250 and JV $200.  This covers the cost of uniforms/tournaments/banquet & awards/admin fees/senior day.The balls and fee will be due at the parent/athlete meeting.  This fee is separate from the $185 athletic fee collected by Jeffco.



Varsity: 4-6pm @ Apex Tennis Center

Varsity 2: 4-5:30 @ Alice Sweet Thomas Park

JV: 3:45-5:15 @ RVHS​


Matches:Most matches are Tues/Thurs at 3:30 with the occasional Wed/Fri or Fri/Sat tournament.​

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